Friday, May 28, 2010

The Great Tribulation Yes or No?

The Rapture - And Other False Doctrines

The origin of the rapture theory

Credit for its origin generally goes to John Nelson Darby, a 19th-century theologian.

Let's define some common terms to help one navigate the technicalities, for in reading about the rapture, you will often encounter the words postmillennialism, amillennialism and premillennialism. First, the root word, Millennium, comes from the Latin for 1,000 years. Religiously, it refers to the first 1,000 years of Christ's reign over the Kingdom of God on earth (Revelation 20:4).

A postmillennialist believes that Christ returns to establish the Kingdom on earth after the 1,000 years; an amillennialist doesn't believe that the Kingdom is coming at all; a premillennialist believes that Christ returns before the Millennium to set up His Kingdom as described in Revelation 20:4. Ref:The Rapture

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was photographed as he appeared to shed a tear at the Kotel (Western Wall)

Yahusha's Talmid
Can His people save this country?

“If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people upon My name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I shall hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now My eyes are open and My ears attentive to the prayer of this place.”
2 DIBRE ha YAHIM (2 Chron 7:13-15)

“Owe no one any matter except to love one another, for he who loves another has filled the Torah.” Romans 13:8 Does that tell you anything now?

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Rev 16
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The Beginning of The End

Signs of The Great Tribulations May - Days/2010

The Great Tribulation is the Beginning of The Rapture
THE RAPTURE - The absolute Biblical TRUTH! The Bible in CONTEXT! THE "L...

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More Signs Than Ever!

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Locust Warnings
Record Locust Plagues Swarm Australia

The largest locust infestation in 40 years is sweeping across Australia’s croplands and pastures like a hailstorm—devastating tens of thousands of acres and costing farmers millions of dollars.

NH children

No Tidal Waves sighted anywhere, yet, after 7.2 Quake in Vanuta